I'm still on trying to figure out how long an act in my game will take. Posted about it in the Writer's section, but this isn't really about writing so here it is.
See, I'm looking for exampes, but all I can google up is walkthroughs. And a site (How Long To Beat, or something) that tells me the length of a whole game. Now, I remember Grim Fandango vividly, so I'm looking at that for examples. I know it was four acts, but I'm having some trouble finding something that'll tell me how long an individual act would take to finish if you knew the eact way to do it. So without the rooting around for solutions or sightseeing.
My intention is to compare that to what I've written and see how that measures up. I don't even know if that's the right way to find out what I wanna know, but worst case I'll learn some fancy new trivia.
So, anyone have any idea or a site that's more detailed than HLTB? Or just put the game on and time my lazy ass?