Currently my game is single-player only. I've experimented with multiplayer, but my focus has been single-player and other modes are unpolished and probably won't make the release.
I've been considering adding a time-trial leaderboard to add a competitive aspect to the single-player mode and increase replay value.
However, I built both a first-person and third-person mode. Both are excellent and fun, but it seems unfair to have first-person players compete against third-person, so I'd be looking at two separate leaderboards (or 6 leaderboards if I go with 3 difficulty levels).
Further, if I separate these modes from a leaderboard standpoint, then I can't allow a player to switch mid-game. I use a checkpoint system for save games and don't currently support multiple save slots, so the only way to play the other mode would be to start over.
I'm also a little worried about cheating on the leaderboard, I don't really think that there's anything within reason I could do to prevent it, though I'd be lucky if my game was popular enough to have that problem.
Do you think a time trial leaderboard is worth the trouble? Is it enough to just have a single-player game that's just fun to play without a competitive reason to replay?
Here's some videos of both modes to add context: