
Creating an RPG-style story for Rocket League

Started by December 24, 2017 08:08 PM
2 comments, last by deepblue21 7 years, 2 months ago

Hey there !


    How many of you play Rocket League !?!?


   I recently started playing myself and the story writer inside of me could not help but think about how neat it would be if there was kind of like an RPG- story mode for the game involving the stadiums and whatnot. It'd be so neat ! I think I will draft an outline, but I am curious as to what you think about this idea?

2 hours ago, deepblue21 said:

It'd be so neat ! I think I will draft an outline, but I am curious as to what you think about this idea?

If you think it'd be so neat, why do you need other people's approval? Why don't you go ahead and write it? Of course, it would be "fan fiction" but does that matter to whether or not you should do it?

-- Tom Sloper --


Hey Tom!


   I appreciate your input !  I think you're definitely right, there's nothing stopping me from just writing the fan fic, and shall certainly do that, trust me!


I guess I'm just wanting to gauge opinions out of curiosity , whether or not those who are familiar with the game would realistically play a story-driven RPG "mode" of the game with original characters and all. But I agree, regardless, I will write my fan-fiction! :) Merry Christmas !!

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