
Any free 3d Game creation programs out there?

Started by October 02, 2017 08:09 PM
6 comments, last by Novadude987 7 years, 5 months ago

I would like to make a 3d game that can be exported as a .swf or html5 file. The websites I would like to export my game file only accept those kinds of uploads. Does anyone know of 100% game creating engines out there I can use? Please try to avoid pay-make game creators and game creators that I can upload to thier site. I am looking for completely free ones. Thank you for your time. :D

This is not a Game Design question. Moving to an appropriate forum.

-- Tom Sloper --


Godot Engine supports 3-D and also supports HTML5 exporting. That may be what you're after.

Unity has an HTML5/WebGL player you could use.

There's a bunch of free javscript game frameworks out there you could use, I'm not up to date on them, but I'm sure google could find you something good.  (Phaser may be a good place to start.)

Unity 3D has awesome options and many different ways to create and develop games. I just started my self learning C sharp. and Unity has been the game engine for me from the start. 

Unity 3D is worth trying


Agree with Alex. I believe that when it comes to free ones, the personal version of Unity5 is the cream of the crop. Asset store, tons of tutorials and classes available, C# is damn good in my opinion, etc. 

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