
Is there a way to combine 2 methods?

Started by September 25, 2017 06:32 PM
4 comments, last by jkuehlin 7 years, 5 months ago

I'm just trying to get acquainted with how buttons control text objects.

Could my two methods (counterUp and counterDown) be combined into one method that responds to both the number up and number down buttons in Unity? (For the sake of only manage one method instead of 2). to If so how?



public class MainScript : MonoBehaviour {

    int count;

    public Text numberUpDown;

    void Start () {
        StartGame ();

    void StartGame()
        count = 100;

    public void counterUp ()
        count = count+1;
        numberUpDown.text = count.ToString ();
    public void counterDown ()
        count = count-1;
        numberUpDown.text = count.ToString ();



This is my placeholder signature

I'd be shocked if Unity didn't provide a enum or function that allowed you to read what key was pushed.

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There is probably a way, but upon first glance at the Unity API it doesn't seem that the primary click handler "onClick" will allow for this because it does not pass any parameters at all.  All other UI control libraries that I've every used allowed this, because they passed a "sender" object in the click method - which would allow you to determine which control raised the click event.  But I don't see the equivalent in the Unity API docs upon initial glance.  I'm probably missing something and may dig in deeper when I have a chance to open the unity editor later.  Good luck.

Make a public function in your script which takes an int parameter.  Link your MainScript component to the OnClick handler.  Your function in MainScript should then show up in the selectable functions in the UI Button's OnClick list.  Use the same function for both buttons but provide 1 for counting up and -1 for counting down.  Then you can have just one function like what you have already, and does 'count = count + parameter;'

See about 2 minutes into this video for what I'm referring to.  He does it with a string argument but you should be able to do it with int, float, bool as well.




Cool! Thanks :D

This is my placeholder signature

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