On 9/26/2017 at 1:07 PM, Armantium said:
Much too expensive. I guess it would be cheaper were it not for hellish taxation
No it wouldn't.
What your paying for is a person who spend there time learning a skill you did not.You are paying them a high amount so they can continue practicing that skill and keep on living.
Remember that for you to even be able to find someone on the net they need a computer, electricity, food and internet. That already means they need to make enough money as a voice actor to earn money for those things.
There are lower priced voice actors, they do smaller jobs for lower pay. The way they make a living is by doing as many jobs as they can in a short time, so one problem you will have with them is that they will not stick to your project the way a more expensive one will. They are freelancers/ modern mercenaries, they go where the money is.
I have been on both sides, hiring and freelancing, it's never easy. Making games isn't easy. If you can't find someone in your price range or your not willing to deal with the problems then you must find a way or abandon voice acting altogether.