Amit Patel of Red Blob Games (@amitp) has released a new HTML version of his Polygonal Map Generation Tool. Originally written in Flash in 2010, the HTML5 version has more features and runs faster.
QuoteA year later I decided I should spend a lot more time making interactive tutorials, so I started Red Blob Games, where I've written interactive tutorials on probability, pathfinding, and hexagons.
It's been seven years since I worked on the map generator. I decided I should spend this summer exploring terrain generation algorithms, revisiting the topics I explored in 2010 and expanding on them.
One of the things I've been wanting to do for some time is rewrite the tutorial with interactive diagrams, and reimplement the 2010 map generator from Flash to HTML5. Back then, Flash was a reasonable choice, but not so much today. I spent a few weeks on the tutorial but was unhappy with the way it was going, so I put it on hold. I worked on an HTML5 version of the map generator instead. It doesn't have all the features of the Flash version, but it has some features the Flash version didn't have. It's much faster too.
Learn more at the blog post or try out the new version at