
Unreal BP - Mesh rotation problem

Started by August 27, 2017 04:00 PM
2 comments, last by MarcusAseth 7 years, 6 months ago

Was trying to replicate my .cpp code that opens a door when a player stands on a trigger volume, but this time using Blueprint, and I'm having some problems, image below

RotationSpeed is 50 and is multiplied by DeltaTime, and yet when I stand on the Box volume, the door start spinning like crazy so fast that it blurs out into multiple door after-images...

Obviously I am doing some mistake here, can you see it? :)




At a guess (I'm not super-experienced with Blueprint stuff), it looks like you're setting relative rotation. I.e. rotation speed which persists.

This would keep on adding to the rotation every time the Blueprint executes. I would suggest trying to set the absolute rotation.

Hello to all my stalkers.


Nice catch, Thanks, I let the autocomplete help me and I missed that :P

The right node is called "SetWorldRotation" (or ofc passing a proper relative rotation)

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