16 hours ago, Scouting Ninja said:To make a game you either need 2D or 3D assets for it
If the question is "how do I make a video", the answer isn't "here's what you need to make a game". It's the right answer to the wrong question.
16 hours ago, Scouting Ninja said:To make a game you either need 2D or 3D assets for it
If the question is "how do I make a video", the answer isn't "here's what you need to make a game". It's the right answer to the wrong question.
On 8/17/2017 at 11:24 PM, Scouting Ninja said:Yes, however consider this:
To make a game you either need 2D or 3D assets for it, Blender can make both. You need animations for your game, Blender can make it and is a lot better than most payed 2D animation software and better than a few 3D payed animation software.
Then there is the fact that making the game assets in Blender is very similar to making a movie in Blender, so spending two weeks learning how to do these things in Blender is more beneficial to your game than spending two hours learning how to do this using software that can only compose movies.
However that is only my opinion, I know other people like having multiple software to do the job of one. I have a colleague who does this, when I asked him why he said it helped him keep organized.
He also gave other reasons however I was able to disprove them easily.
I take it that After Effects would be more than enough for " rel="external">this kind of advanced explanatory video?
3 hours ago, Armantium said:" rel="external">this kind of advanced explanatory video?
This video is actually very similar the the first, just instead of one or two vector images on screen you have lots of vector images. Again both just scales and animates most software can do this. The amount of objects doesn't change the required software.
After Effects like the name suggests does a lot of particle like effects and composing. So After Effects is used for large scale explosion effects and the like, a lot of CGI effects for infomercials is made in After Effects. Search some After Effects tutorials to see what it does.
In game you would want to use your engine for these types of videos. That way you don't need a codex and you know players will be able to see it. It will also be smaller than loading the large video.
Nothing in the videos are special, any software that can animated and support vectors can do what you need. That includes Unity, Unreal and Blender. If you have Photoshop it can also create these videos although it's very difficult thing for a beginner.
The only thing you must have to create a video like this is the knowledge of how to create a video like this.
If you use Unity or Unreal and have the art you can upload a bit of the art to me using the private messages and I will show how to setup for animation.
6 hours ago, Scouting Ninja said:The only thing you must have to create a video like this is the knowledge of how to create a video like this.
I'm very surprised at this.
Can you provide a link similar to the above video, done entirely in UE4?
Is this a theoretical possibility for the engine to accomplish, or something that people actually do for the sake of expediency and ease of use?
16 hours ago, Armantium said:Is this a theoretical possibility for the engine to accomplish, or something that people actually do for the sake of expediency and ease of use?
It's often done, in fact many cinematic is made in engine.
Untreal tutorial https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Matinee/
For examples there was a scene among the starter content that you could use. Just check the Unreal site.
For Unity's example you can look for "The blacksmith" it's a short film made by Unity.
The movies you linked work the same way visual novels do, in fact there are very good animated visual novels for Unreal and Unity. So learning to make a visual novel will teach you how to make those kind of movies.
4 hours ago, Scouting Ninja said:The movies you linked work the same way visual novels do, in fact there are very good animated visual novels for Unreal and Unity. So learning to make a visual novel will teach you how to make those kind of movies.
Yes, " rel="external">I see what you mean.
You would only have to create assets in something like Adobe Illustrator first for the previous examples.