wc.hIcon= LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_WINLOGO); // Load The Default Icon
Loaing a different icon in Nehe tutorials
How do i load a different icon in the
A moment enjoyed is not wasted. -Gamers.com
Diff logos will go in that second spot, ummmm i dont know them all, but i know there is a way to ahve it search for a logo, given you tell it where its at. If that makes any sense...
Bundle the icon you want as a resource, then call it like
LoadIcon(hInstance, "ICON1");
If ICON1 is what you named your icon.
LoadIcon(hInstance, "ICON1");
If ICON1 is what you named your icon.
Thanks guys. Now, another question. How do I change the icon in the top left coner of a window?
A moment enjoyed is not wasted. -Gamers.com
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