
Free Ebook failed to download?

Started by July 24, 2017 11:05 PM
3 comments, last by Ganoosh 7 years, 4 months ago

Just wanted to give a heads-up, I followed the link to download the free ebook being promoted here: Game Design and Indie Game Marketing Freebook, I filled out the form on the CRC Press website etc but I havent received the ebook. I wasnt prompted to download the book after completing the form, and I received no emails from CRC Press... how are we supposed to be able to access this book?

Wondering if this happened to anyone else? Or are other ppl able to dl the ebook with no problem? 


This is the first reported to us, but I've forwarded the link to this post to CRC Press.

You should get the download once the form is complete, so if that didn't happen then something went wrong. Have you tried a different browser by chance?

Admin for


I tried with Chrome (non-incognito) and Microsoft Edge. I get a message saying 'Thank you for your form submission', but no download. 


Same issue here. There is an extra "form_email" param sent with the payload that seems to be hardcoded to ""... tried changing that to my email as well, but no difference. Empty 200 response and no emails. Maybe that will help with investigation?

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