
Babylon.js 3.0 Released with WebGL 2 and WebVR 1.1 Support

Started by July 13, 2017 12:06 AM
0 comments, last by khawk 7 years, 2 months ago

Babylon.js v3.0 has been released. The open source framework allows developers to create 3D experiences in the browser.

The release includes:

  • Support for WebGL 2 with more control over the GPU
  • Support for WebVR 1.1 including support for the new Windows Mixed Reality headsets
  • Support for glTF 2.0 including physically based rendering materials
  • Improved physically based rendering (demo)
  • New Babylon.GUI for generating an interactive user interface
  • Support for morph targets
  • Support for live textures using WebCam
  • Documentation improvements and the Playground, where developers can experiment with a live code editor

Learn more from the announcement on the Windows blog.

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