

Started by January 23, 2000 05:52 AM
12 comments, last by Bully 25 years, 1 month ago
I''m still in High School, and there isn''t any philosophy classes at my school. Is there any good books or internet resources which you people would know about, which could teach me about philosophy, and make me able tp apply it.

" The fastest code is the code you don't call "
What does it envolve, I'm ready to study anything which would help with my programming and problem solving.

Edited by - bully on 1/26/00 12:59:43 AM
" The fastest code is the code you don't call "
Get lots of books on critical thinking and common sense. Those will be your best tools through most of lifes trials and tribulations.

Critical Thinking: An Introduction to Reasoning
by Francis Watanabe Dauer


Check out this book (I think its out of print now, so you may have to buy it used). Its a brilliant textbook on teaching critical thinking. I learned a lot from it myself.

This is indeed a very interesting Topic

I have found that on certain days when I am in a bad mood or stessed out, I simply cannot solve problems and think rationally enough to avoid pulling my hair out.

Before I tackle a problem I always get my mind set right and usually I think a lot more laterally ( sp. ).

We are all capable of amazing things, provided we have the correct mindset.

I program at my best when I am happy and my mind is empty of problems and silly worries. Find your little burrow when you are programming your best, and try to replicate it.



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