
Develop: Brighton Conference Program Available

Started by May 25, 2017 03:15 PM
0 comments, last by khawk 7 years, 4 months ago

The 12th Develop:Brighton conference program is now available at Develop:Brighton runs three days (11-13 July) at the Hilton Brighton Metropole, and Delegate passes are available at early bird rates until June 7.

Highlights from the program include:

Tuesday 11 July

  • 0930 (KEYNOTE) – Into the Future by Graeme Devine, Magic Leap
  • 1700 (KEYNOTE) – Your Game as Community by Ethan Evans, Twitch

Wednesday 12 July

  • 0930 (KEYNOTE) – A Life in Games by John Romero, Romero Games
  • 1015 (KEYNOTE) – Stay: How to Not Burn Out and Thrive in the Games Industry by Brenda Romero, Romero Games
  • 1500 – Influencing the Influencers by Mark Turpin and Rich Keith, Yogscast
  • 1700 (KEYNOTE) – A Visit to Future Reality by Ken Perlin, New York University

Thursday 13 July

  • 0945 – Beautiful Dream by Tetsuya Mizuguchi, Enhance Games
  • 1115 – A Story in Games by Dan Abnett

Readers of can get an extra 10 per cent on top of early bird rates using code RZVZLG.

More information on Develop:Brighton can be found at

Develop:Brighton runs across three days (11-13 July) at the Hilton Brighton Metropole.

Delegate passes are currently available at early bird rates until 7 June.

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