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Started by May 17, 2017 04:50 PM
0 comments, last by khawk 7 years, 4 months ago

Texture and reference image site has dropped its premium subscription model and made all content free. They have also launched a Patreon to help cover server costs.

From the site:

I initially created this website to be a premium subscription service. But I realize now that rather than creating a service for a handful of people, I want to provide a useful service for as many people as possible.

The hosting costs for this website are ~$60/month. Any funds past that mark will allow me to add more textures. I already have a large backlog of textures, reference photos and hdris, but freelancing takes up most of my time.

I had to disable the content delivery network to minimise costs. This won’t make a difference if you live near the east coast of the US but if you live anywhere else you might experience slower connection speeds. If I can get enough donations I’ll enable this again.

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