Im making a total war style empire builder (turn-based, control cities on a map, move armies around) but need some input about "income". I use the full world map as the playing board, so it's a bit risk-like in that sense. There is 4 "resources" but I have mostly questions about "funds". Its modern day with some scifi elements. Most cities are destroyed but new empires emerges and rebuilds. The resources:
Generated by power plants, some cities has better output from solar, biomass plant etc depending on world location (close to river: hydroplant is good etc).
Development / Research
Generated by population, but mostly from research centers/labs/academies
Used for units. Generated by refinieries (efficiency based on local oil and gas natural resource). Or more expensively from synthetic fuel plants.
General and most important resource. Used for both buildings, infrastructure, spies and units. How can cities earn this resource? It's sort of "wealth". My idea so far:
Logging? (might be used for biomass power plants instead)
Trade? (not sure if this fits the game)
How is "wealth" or general funds/resources generated in a modern setting, with totalitarian governments and full world war going on? Preferably something connected to buildings/infrastructure and/or the terrain/location in the world.