
Need help with creating AI

Started by June 14, 2017 08:40 AM
3 comments, last by Lactose 7 years, 5 months ago


i need help with creating an AI for my Ping Pong game. I think i have a done a little bit of the AI but im a little stuck now.


#include "Paddle.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

class AIPaddle : public sf::RectangleShape
	AIPaddle(sf::Vector2f rect, sf::Color col, sf::Vector2f pos, sf::String texture);
	void Update(sf::RenderWindow &pWindow, sf::Time elapsed, float AIpad);
	void Init();

	sf::Vector2f initPos;
	sf::Time tempElapsedTime;
	sf::Texture textur;

	float speed;
	int frame;
	int frames;
	int frameWidth;



#include "AIPaddle.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "Ball.h"

AIPaddle::AIPaddle(sf::Vector2f rect, sf::Color col, sf::Vector2f pos, sf::String texture)
	setOrigin(getSize().x / 2, getSize().y / 2);

	initPos = pos;
	speed = 1000.f;

	setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(0, 0, 53, 192));

	frame = 0;
	frames = 20;
	frameWidth = 53;


void AIPaddle::Init()

void AIPaddle::Update(sf::RenderWindow &pWindow, sf::Time elapsed,)
	tempElapsedTime += elapsed;
		if (tempElapsedTime.asSeconds() >= .05)
			if (frame < frames - 1)
				frame = 0;
			tempElapsedTime = tempElapsedTime.Zero;
			setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(frameWidth * frame, 0, frameWidth, 196));

		if (ball.getPosition().y < AIpad.getPosition().y)
			AIpad.move(sf::Vector2f(0.f, -speed * elapsed.asSeconds));
		else if (ball.getPosition().y + Ball.size().y > AIpad.getPosition().y + AIpad.getSize().y)
			AIpad.move(sf::Vector2f(0.f, speed * elapsed.asSeconds));

#ifndef BALL_HPP
#define BALL_HPP

#include "Paddle.h"
#include <memory>
#include "AIPaddle.h"

class Ball : public	 sf::CircleShape
	Ball(float rad, sf::Color col, sf::Vector2f pos, std::shared_ptr<Paddle> pad1, std::shared_ptr<Paddle> pad2, std::shared_ptr<AIPaddle> AIpad);
	void Init();
	void Update(sf::RenderWindow &pWindow, sf::Time elapsed);

	int direction;
	float speed;
	sf::Vector2f movement;
	sf::Texture textur;

	std::shared_ptr<Paddle> pPad1;
	std::shared_ptr<Paddle> pPad2;
	std::shared_ptr<AIPaddle> pAIPad;


#include "Ball.h"

Ball::Ball(float rad, sf::Color col, sf::Vector2f pos, std::shared_ptr<Paddle> pad1, std::shared_ptr<Paddle> pad2, std::shared_ptr<AIPaddle> AIpad)
	setOrigin(getRadius() / 2, getRadius() / 2);

	pPad1 = pad1;
	pPad2 = pad2;
	pAIPad = AIpad;

	direction = 1;
	speed = 0.f;
	movement = sf::Vector2f(0.f, 0.f);


void Ball::Init()
	speed = 500.f;
	direction = rand() % 2;

	if (direction == 0)
		movement = sf::Vector2f(speed, 0.f);
		movement = sf::Vector2f(-speed, 0.f);

	setPosition(640.f, 310.f);


void Ball::Update(sf::RenderWindow &pWindow, sf::Time elapsed)
	float bX = getPosition().x;
	float bY = getPosition().y;

	sf::Vector2f p1p = pPad1->getPosition();
	sf::Vector2f p2p = pPad2->getPosition();
	sf::Vector2f pAIp = pAIPad->getPosition();

	//Fliegt de ball gegen die horizontalen grenzen

	if (bY <= 0)
		movement.y = speed;

	else if (bY >= pWindow.getSize().y)
		movement.y = -speed;
	//fliegt der ball gegen einen schläger
	//linker schläger
	if (getGlobalBounds().left < p1p.x + (pPad1->getSize().x / 2) - 8 &&
		getGlobalBounds().left + getGlobalBounds().width > p1p.x - (pPad1->getSize().x / 2) &&
		getGlobalBounds().top + getGlobalBounds().height >= p1p.y - pPad1->getSize().y / 2 &&
		getGlobalBounds().top <= p1p.y + pPad1->getSize().y / 2)


		//oben unten oder mitte?
		if (bY < p1p.y)
			movement.x = speed;
			movement.y = -speed;
			speed = speed += 15;
		else if (bY > p1p.y)
			movement.x = speed;
			movement.y = speed;
			speed = speed += 15;
			movement.x = speed;
			speed = speed += 15;
		} // rehter schläger
	else if (getGlobalBounds().left < p2p.x + (pPad2->getSize().x / 2) &&
		getGlobalBounds().left + getGlobalBounds().width > p2p.x - (pPad2->getSize().x / 2) + 8 &&
		getGlobalBounds().top + getGlobalBounds().height >= p2p.y - pPad2->getSize().y / 2 &&
		getGlobalBounds().top <= p2p.y + pPad2->getSize().y / 2)


		//oben unten oder mitte?
		if (bY < p2p.y)
			movement.x = -speed;
			movement.y = -speed;
			speed = speed += 15;
		else if (bY > p2p.y)
			movement.x = -speed;
			movement.y = speed;
			speed = speed += 15;
			movement.x = -speed;
			speed = speed += 15;
		if (getGlobalBounds().left < pAIp.x + (pAIPad->getSize().x / 2) - 8 &&
			getGlobalBounds().left + getGlobalBounds().width > pAIp.x - (pAIPad->getSize().x / 2) &&
			getGlobalBounds().top + getGlobalBounds().height >= pAIp.y - pAIPad->getSize().y / 2 &&
			getGlobalBounds().top <= pAIp.y + pAIPad->getSize().y / 2)


			if (bY < pAIp.y)
				movement.x = -speed;
				movement.y = -speed;
				speed = speed += 15;
			else if (bY > pAIp.y)
				movement.x = -speed;
				movement.y = speed;
				speed = speed += 15;
				movement.x = -speed;
				speed = speed += 15;


			move(movement.x * elapsed.asSeconds(), movement.y * elapsed.asSeconds());


We're not going to read lots of random code to understand the problem.

What does the AI currently do, and what do you want it to do? What have you tried?

Hello to all my stalkers.


We're not going to read lots of random code to understand the problem.

What does the AI currently do, and what do you want it to do? What have you tried?

Right now it doesnt work, and i want it to follow the ball, but the AI still has to be beatable.


I would try something like:

Define vector from paddle to ball to indicate wanted direction to move.
Define wanted direction of paddle based on the vector.
To make it beatable. You could limit the max speed and acceleration (+ and -)of the paddle. So when the ball changes direction the paddle will have to "break" before it can move in opposite direction.

Right now it doesnt work

How does it not work? Does it not move? Does it move, but incorrectly (if so, how is it incorrect?)? Etc.

Hello to all my stalkers.

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