
Where is this Hot Teacher Trend coming from?

Started by June 12, 2017 09:22 PM
26 comments, last by cowsarenotevil 7 years, 3 months ago

So once again, there's another story about a female teacher having inappropriate contact with male students. An example of that, here. But this trend has been ongoing and rising (it seems) for the last 10 years. I hate to be that guy, but where were all these teachers when I was in school? But the more serious question is: why are all these grown, reasonably attractive women going out of their way to date children? Is it that hard to find a date? Have casual ...relations, with adults? Is this a power thing? Self-esteem thing? Lack of appreciation thing? I just don't get it.

Does anyone have some insight on this? Anecdotal stories? Article to point me to?

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Because clearly, attractive women cannot possibly just be actual pedophiles...
Insert South Park reference here
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But the more serious question is: why are all these grown, reasonably attractive women going out of their way to date children?

I suspect two things:

1. Population growth. More people means more schools and more students, therefore more activity of all sorts, both good and bad. As your population grows you will find an ever-increasing number of bad actors. If you've got a crime that happens one in 1000, it may never appear if you've only got 500 people, but if you've got an enormous organization with 100,000 people you can expect a hundred or so instances. It isn't necessarily that crimes are more common per capita, but the total numbers are certainly increased.

2. Media explosion. Go back two decades or more and news events like that were briefly mentioned. Depending on what was happening in the world, it may be the fourth or fifth story on television. In a local paper, perhaps it only appears once in a single news headline, maybe again when the trial happens. That headline is probably not on the front page, maybe back in the 'crime blotter' section. Today with social media, global discussion boards, and every tiny website looking for news stories that attract eyeballs, stories that would never become widespread are now discussed broadly.

Things like this have always happened, as there's always been female pedophiles. It's just with more accountability/monitoring they're caught more often/news of them spreads farther now.

This is my main account:

But google logins aren't working right now, so this is my temporary one.

I don't think an anecdotal meta-analysis of sensationalist media as a method of identifying social trends will get you past peer review...

This creepy, Alpheus.

These women are creepy, ActionMan

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I agree with frob, plus one more thing: it's really easy nowadays to record pictures, video and audio by just a few swipes away with your hand.

Most of these teachers have been busted with hard evidence (mostly because they were foolish enough to save pictures of the encounters).

there's always been female pedophiles

Common guys, 25 is not too far from 17

I could (just about) date someone +/- 8 years my age

The main problems are:: 17 is just one year below the accepted adult hood age, and ....

she would have signed, in her contract with the school, not to have any (sexual) relationship with her pupils

Otherwise I think demonising her is unfair. I mean, not saying she is not guilty of some crime, but if he (or the he(s)) is 18 and she 26 and he is not a student in her school would she still be called a paedophile?

can't help being grumpy...

Just need to let some steam out, so my head doesn't explode...

Things like this have always been a thing... there just wasn't as much media around starving for head lines. With the internet, all the additional media channels out there, blogs and youtube and whatnot trying to get their slice of that sweet, sweet attention, "journalists" are digging deeper and deeper to still get some views.

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