
Phases of Game Development

Started by June 11, 2017 11:59 AM
1 comment, last by Scouting Ninja 7 years, 8 months ago

Hi Experts,

I am working on a small indie mobile game (I am just a producer). So with my concept I reached out to 2 resources

1. UX/UI designer (This guy also provided my character designs and all other assets that are needed for this game)

2. Unity Programmer (He is developing this game in Unity)

Now the UX/UI designer provided me the static designs/screens and the programmer used it. But after seeing the game, I felt that the game should have some kind of animated special effects to make it more attracting for the players.

I thought this is something that the programmer will do in Unity. But my guy is saying he don't know how to do it. So my questions are


I am giving an example for the effects that I mean.

Example A. When the player wins/loses, we should show that text with some particle effect or something, but not just a static text.

Example B. I have screens with game levels. So when the player clicks on the level number, i want to show some effect on the room number rather than just switching to the game HUD screen.


I am really stuck here in between this game development and I can't proceed further as I felt that I can't release this game without these kind of minimum effects. So please please guide me on how to proceed on this.


This kind of work is normally a straight collaboration between your 2D artist and your programmer. So you already have the people you need. They just need to spend the time to learn the system being used. (On big AAA games you might have dedicated 'VFX artists' but this is not common for small indie mobile games.)

These are Unity-specific questions so you might get better answers on the Unity forums. But there is documentation on the particle system, and a whole ton of assets you can buy that use particles. And there are docs and tutorials on animating UI elements too. So your people just need to look into those.


Effects don't fall under one job.

Animations are done by animators, 2D art is made by a 2D artist, 3D art is made by a 3D artist and other effects fall under the graphics programmer.

Example B. I have screens with game levels. So when the player clicks on the level number, i want to show some effect on the room number rather than just switching to the game HUD screen.

So lets take a the button click effect, your UX/UI designer should know how to do this. Any artist in game development can implement there own art; it's mandatory. If your artist can't do this then he is very green, this is the chance for him to learn

If we work on a engine we don't know we are given the same time as new programmers to learn what we must, often less than a week, learning as we go.

The coder is only needed to go over the code to make it more optimal.

Example A. When the player wins/loses, we should show that text with some particle effect or something, but not just a static text.

Again this could be considered your UX/UI designer. Although if you hired him as only a UX/UI designer, he has no obligation to do this.

Both effects can be made by a professional: 2D artist, animator or a graphics programmer.

Only the level number click falls under UX/UI designer, it's a button press, the win effect is considered a general 2D effect.

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