I'll preface this by saying I've been doing a bunch of research on what to expect.
So I've passed the written quiz and a technical phone interview with a couple engineers on the team, and now I'm at the on location part of the process.
This is for a junior level position on either the gameplay or engine/tools team (a spot is open on each). I won't go into specifics for obvious reasons, but it's a fairly well known studio in a city area.
The HR manager gave me a list of 4 people I will be meeting with and said the interview should last about 2 hours.
So I fully expect a couple things from my research:
1) More technical stuff including being given problems and being asked to write them out or give slightly more in depth answers. The phone interview was more high-level overview stuff.
2) General professional level interview questions. Your typical stuff like tell us about yourself, strengths/weaknesses, where do you see yourself in x time, working with teams, overcoming challenges, etc.
3) Included a bit with 2, but obviously they want to see if I'm also a good fit on a personal level for their company.
So, I've done research and brushed up on my technical stuff, answers to typical questions, and also making sure I'm familiar with the company and their games.
Is there anything else I've missed or anyone would recommend based on personal experience? I just want to make sure I have all my bases covered. This would be my first job in the gaming industry, and I want to do everything in my power to give myself an edge.