You need to show more code, but I will say what I think it's happening.
If this is your collision resolution code, then it's a naive approach:
if(leftCollisionRectangle.intersects(otherRect)) {
player.move(1, 0); //player's position is set to its x, plus one 1, and the y isn't affected as it isn't checking for top or bottom collision in this example
In some cases, solving the collosion after it happens is the desireable approach, like in 3D games with realistic physics, but for simple 2D games, with non realistic physics, it's better to predict the collision and then move to the correct position (or not move at all). In your case (from the pseudo code you show), you are solving collision after it happens.
Here is what you want:
Gather the input:
double velocity_x = 0.0;
double velocity_y = 0.0;
int32_t move_x = 0;
int32_t move_y = 0;
if (get_input("up")) {
move_y = move_y - 1;
if (get_input("down")) {
move_y = move_y + 1;
if (get_input("left")) {
move_x = move_x - 1;
if (get_input("right")) {
move_x = move_x + 1;
velocity_x = move_x * speed;
velocity_y = move_y * speed;
Now, we will predict the collision in the X axis:
if (overlap_at(this.shape, this.pos.x + velocity_x, this.pos.y, other_shapes_list)) {
while (!overlap_at(this.shape, this.pos.x + sign(velocity_x), this.pos.y, other_shapes_list)) {
/* Move the object 1 by 1 in the X axis while no collision happen */
this.pos.x = this.pos.x + sign(velocity_x);
/* We solved a collision that would happen by setting the position of the object, now we 0 the velocity in the X axis */
velocity_x = 0.0;
this.pos.x = this.pos.x + velocity_x;
After predicting and solving the X axis, we can predict and solve the Y axis:
if (overlap_at(this.shape, this.pos.y, this.pos.y + velocity_y, other_shapes_list)) {
while (!overlap_at(this.shape, this.pos.y, this.pos.y + sign(velocity_y), other_shapes_list)) {
/* Move the object 1 by 1 in the Y axis while no collision happen */
this.pos.y = this.pos.y + sign(velocity_y);
/* We solved a collision that would happen by setting the position of the object, now we 0 the velocity in the Y axis */
velocity_y = 0.0;
this.pos.y = this.pos.y + velocity_y;
The sign() function is just a function that convert the velocity value to 1, 0 or -1:
double sign(double d)
double v = 0.0;
if (d < 0.0) {
v = d / -d;
} else if (d > 0.0){
v = d / d;
return v;
The way you are doing is pretty much how it would be done with Chipmunk2D or Box2D, but they are more for realistic physics than "classic"/"pixel-perfect-like" physics.
Also, since I don't know how you store the objects/shapes, I just referred to them as `other_shapes_list`. Note that you need to make a function like `overlap_at`, that will test if this shape is overlapping with any of the other shapes.