
Civilization, Sim-city and 4X fans.

Started by May 21, 2017 06:51 PM
10 comments, last by Awoken 7 years, 6 months ago
On 01/06/2017 at 6:47 AM, menyo said:
I don't like it at all. All these games you mentioned have one huge common mechanic, management without a time limit. Make it real time without being able to pause would break that. If such a game would exist, the people with the most spare time would rule unless if there was money involved then that title would go to the richest.

That is true, you can pause all the mentioned games and yes this game could not be paused; at least not the multiplayer version of it.  This is something I've thought about a lot... 

What I've drafted up borrows elements from traditional browser games in that the player can only do so much at any given time.  Like most browser games, which can not be paused, the player's choice of action is restricted into 'time-blocks' so to say.  A player only needs to attend their game session for an hour or two max per day and over the course of many weeks, even months do they see their efforts pay-off.  A big difference that I can see between the game I'm creating and traditional browser games is just how dynamic and organic an experience could potentially be given that the game's session is dependent on thousands of interacting AI.

menyo, do you like the games I've mentioned ( civ, sim-city, 4X),  If so, what do you think about this idea I've had running in my head.  Yeah, some players will have a heavy advantage because they commit more time manicuring their simulation; however, I was thinking of incorporating gaming bonuses which could be earned within a different game session.  So let me explain the idea a bit:

--During the course of one game session you're playing, and thanks by the way for playing ;), you've managed to build up a pretty sizeable tribe. You've developed some healthy farms, raided a few surrounding tribes for booty and your tribe boasts over 100 simulin.  Things are looking good and you've spent an hour or so every night just making sure things are running smoothly.  One day you return to your game session and find out your tribe has been raided and you're 20 strongest have been deleted, 50 taken for work and 20 deserted you.  Now you only have 10 simulin left and everything you've built has been decimated.  Things seem bleak, why carry on?...  Your 10 remaining simulin, and the 50 which are under another player's suppression, now have a conditional moral bonus modifier which can be unlocked.  Maybe not immediately, but over the course of time if you are able to build up strength, raid and free your former simulin, you'd unlock your heroic bonus and now you'd have a unique bonus which would not be available during a regular game session.--  

anyways, this is a pretty good description of how I hope the game session could turn out, what do you think menyo?

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