Something happened recently, and I wasn't exactly sure whether it was fair, so I'm asking here to get other programmers' perspective on the matter.
In interviewing junior candidates for a junior role on a team, the key interviewer asked the person to explain why, in general, GPUs used 4x4 matrices for (complex) transformations. The question was basically thrown to see whether the candidate knew anything about homogeneous transformations (basically adding the w axis which is the origin to consider the offset of a translation, etc.)
The problem, in my perspective, was that the role the candidate was applying for was a junior role, with a specific engine in mind (Unity in this case), and that the engine itself would abstract that whole idea to a point where it would never be relevant for the developer. However, I can appreciate that gauging whether the potential developer had any idea what was happening 'behind the scenes' could have value, and that it can be a concept that's hard to grasp AFTER having started working in the industry, but it left a sour taste in my mouth that the otherwise savvy candidate would be discarded based on his ignorance of the maths behind it, given he had demonstrated results on a variety of 'complex' fronts for a junior (A*/Dijkstra, complex AI systems, etc.)
Note: the position was labeled as 'Junior Programmer' strictly, and none of the descriptive items listed any requirement of computer graphics-related experience per se (there was a mention of knowing basics such as 'draw calls' though, so up to the reader's interpretation whether the position entailed gfx-heavy computation skills).
I'll admit I'm on the fence on this one and hoping to get perspective on the matter (realistically, it isn't about whether homogeneous transformations are easy/hard to pick-up as much as it is whether this is a valid interview question to vet a junior candidate expected to work 'in-engine').
(@mods: not sure whether this belongs in Game Industry Job Advice (discussing the validity of the question in an interview and the resulting process) or one of the programming sub-threads (as it hinges on what it important/relevant for a developer), so feel free to move accordingly).