Heya fellas,
usually I'm quite good with coming up with some ideas, but it's a challenge now:
I'd like to create some small game, in best case for tablets ( but browser or PC would be ok'ish too ), aiming at kids at 3 to 7 years. There are quite a few of them in our family and they're all crazy about math (counting, adding numbers, even dividing/distributing etc.). In real world I can just challenge them with some equation or throwing a ball back and forth and count (little 3y old guy who counts to 52 :o). But that doesn't translate to a video game.
Could you guys throw some "math game" ideas at me fitting:
- they might have problems reading all the numbers, at least the 3y old for sure,
- it shouldn't be plain stupid, like candy crush or columns.
- something where they could not really lose but only exceed
- no time pressure (it should not stress them, they might be allowed to play a round before bed and should be able to sleep)
- no reflex game e.g. whac a mole
- short rounds, something they could interrupt without feeling like they'll lose because of it.
you know, the perfect game for kids, nothing less. That's not a challenge for you guys, is it? ;)