A game where you produce and sell goods.
Typically it goes like this, the player builds a factory and start producing at full capacity (always 100%) then adjusts the price to meet the supply/demans. So, if fewer clients buy the product the player lowers the price, if more want to buy it than factories can churn out the player increases the price. And it goes on turn after turn.
I was wondering, it's not how it works in real life (at least not for interesting high value items like cellphones, let's ignore patatoes and the like :D)... If the producer would change the price each month clients would get confused (and probably wait for the price decrease "forever"). It's more like a company announcing the price "Our brand new thingy for only $99! Preorders star now!" and then they can't increase the price (marketing wise) at least in a short period of time (actually more like they never can increase it...)
So, should I keep the old "player should adjust the price each month" model? Or go for discouraging it (the player being encouraged to not change the price, except lowering it) and instead making the player adjust production (which is harder for the player)?
And, if you think it's worth changing the model, how to do it exactly?