
Here is my work, how does it sounds to you ?

Started by April 03, 2017 03:29 AM
15 comments, last by Edgarlerouge 7 years, 7 months ago

Hi everyone,

Here are my very first pieces composed for video games, i'm interested in having any feedback !

Thank's and have a good listen :

Let's Fight sounds very appropriate for a retro-style game. Lots of energy and exchange of ideas between sections. Could work really well for a RPG. I felt the mix overall, was a bit top heavy. Strings got too loud in the stabs at 1:17. And you have some distortion. So some production is still needed but the composition is there!

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX


Thank's a lot ! i agree with you for the heaviness at 1:17. It is not the first time people say that i need some "prodution", but what does exactly mean, i guess i need to learn technical stuff.

Thank's anyway!

Production means how you're setting all of your levels for each channel (or part) in your piece as well as what kinds of (and how much) effects you're applying. It can also mean how you're setting automation and panning, etc. It's a pretty big topic and can take a long time to master all of it! But basically you're making your piece sound the best it possibly can so it shines through!

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

Ok i know what you mean, thank's a lot for that !


I can definitely hear the FF in Let`s fight. I would be very interesting to hear a chiptune version this piece. One thing I would change is the bass sound. I find it too funky. Not the notes, but the timbre.

BTW, Im also from Montreal. I just joined. I posted a thread with one of my pieces. Maybe you could have a listen and let me know what you think.

Take care!


thank's for listening my tune ! Of course the chiptune would be good ! i understand your opinion about the funky bass, it would change the mood of a FF fight i agree, but i wanted to keep that mood for now just for fun and tne energy it brings!

Here is a new one that i wrote, i changed the music in the menu of "The last of us" :

I just tried to compose in the Shooter style, and here is the result !

Enjoy and comment if you want to !

I like Space shooter Trailer. It's reminding me the battle theme of Final fantasy 7 Crisis core. :rolleyes:

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