
Started drawing a game. Need feedback.

Started by March 10, 2017 05:30 PM
43 comments, last by krogoth.g 7 years, 1 month ago
5 hours ago, krogoth.g said:

Nearest plan is demo at the end of this month.

Short demonstration of new features (very few but still some progress : ) ):

Animations are bad-mediocre but fast made. Making animations is actually not very hard, it might require few hours but definitely in bounds of 1 day time-wise.

Stay tuned, I am still working on basic concepts and they are coming soon. : )

(It shall be much more info than now)

Well smooth animations is mostly in a finishing touches, personally I dont even care about them now :)

It honestly looks too much like Warcraft to even take it seriously. I know thats exactly what you wanted, but I think it will hurt more than it is going to help. Creatinng an identity for your game is crucial and this just feels like you are taking anothers and attempting to rebrand it as your own. Just my thoughts. Looks intersting and I am always on the hunt for a good strategy game.

11 hours ago, riuthamus said:

It honestly looks too much like Warcraft to even take it seriously. I know thats exactly what you wanted, but I think it will hurt more than it is going to help. Creatinng an identity for your game is crucial and this just feels like you are taking anothers and attempting to rebrand it as your own. Just my thoughts. Looks intersting and I am always on the hunt for a good strategy game.

Thank you! There shall be "notes" of Warcraft II, but the whole composition will be different. I am trying not to make changes for the sake of change: I can see the road where development goes and I am excited to do it asap.

The game is gonna be retro-fantasy (which does not necessarily mean that the game is retro technically). I am working on engine overhaul, so the game will have a lot of advanced stuff (heroes will have wide skill tree, there will be preparations before missions (campaign) and also a big choice of "upgrades", similar to policies in Civilization), because I need space to tell game story and develop game characters.

I will be working on a tutorial mission for campaign because this will help me to shape atmosphere in right direction.

Hey, guys!

I am late with my first demo but I was busy working on it. There is still enough to do but I would not be pessimistic!

Below is a short demonstration of first mission.

Karadros, a very strong hero, is sent to command forces in a small settlement that became an area of conflict by many reasons!

First sequence features short combat (still partially animated : )) and the second just demonstrates the scale of map.

The first map is gonna be relatively big and feature a lot of optional quests.

Here it is:


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