So I work with this guy. Good guy, and all. Knows his stuff, and what not. But, rather periodically, several times a day, he'll pivot at a 45 degree angle, and let one rip, a biiiiig sneeze. Like, comically big. "Aaaaachoooo!" Like, you'd think he was trying out for Broadway, or something. Like, tone it down buddy.
I mean, common courtesy dictates that you at least make a mild effort not to spritz your mucus everywhere, but he seems oblivious to this. I wanna say something, primarily, "Cover your flipping face!" but I'm a bit to passive to react in such a way. I've thought of subtle ways of bringing this to his attention, but I'm walking a line of not getting through to someone who his blissfully unaware of social norms, or being obtuse.
Marcus Hansen