
how to make a simulation game without advanced graphics

Started by February 27, 2017 06:01 PM
1 comment, last by alnite 8 years ago


I would want to make a strategy/simulation game without any advanced graphics. Just some graphs that are changing shape when some parameters are set. Something like this little game in which you are the chair of the fed:

Which tool would be best? Are tools like Unity mainly for graphic-intense games? Do I have to code in C or C++ or could I make it with a more beginner friendly language like Python? :)



Site looks like a web-game, which requires javascript, afaik (or perhaps whatever is the successor of flash, I have no experience in webgames, so don't really know.)

If you want to make it a regular application, Python should be fine, and likely that is all you need. Python comes with TkInter, a GUI toolkit, although I don't see it used often. Another option is Pygame, which is used for making 2D games, which should be more than enough for you.


I think this is where framework like HTML5 and Javascript could shine. Javascript-HTML DOM that allows you to bind data with graphics, so you don't have to worry about rendering your game objects. I hadn't been familiar with the Javascript, but recently able to make some quick casino game simulation. CSS can also help you with quick-and-dirty transition animations too.

Take a look at some of Javascript 2D rendering library like PixiJS.

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