So, you read it right --All of the code necessary for creating a game was given to me, but I don't know how to use it. I've currently just put it on GitHub (For desktop) and it's sitting there, doing nothing. I don't know how to change anything, and I don't know how to put it all together as an actual game. There are folders upon folders, but i don't know what to do with them. As far as I can tell, it's all in JavaScript, or most of it anyway. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I have all the code, but don't know what to do with it.
Without more information, nobody is really going to be able to help you. Please provide additional information.
What is the context of this code? Where did you get, and why, and what are you trying to accomplish with it?
What specifically are you having trouble understanding? How to build it, how to modify it, how to publish it?
Can you share the code itself?
Do you have any programming experience? If not, I would take a look at some YouTube tutorials about programming. Learn the syntax, learn the concepts. After you do that, then you can move on with learning the frameworks and libraries that the code you received is using. Then at that point you can start to piece the code together (assuming the code that was given to you works) and create a game that works, then you can tweak that game to your liking and add more features to it. Good luck!
You need to compile the code. This turns it from a text file into an executable that a computer can understand. With only the basic information given, it is not possible to be any more specific, but you might want to learn more about programming generally so that you understand how to interact with compiling and coding.
If you don't know how to program, then managing a large amount of source code will probably just be a frustrating experience. There are typically many assumptions in a codebase, such as how to build and deploy code, that simply won't be obvious to someone new.
Your question is similar to saying "I have all these ingredients in my fridge, how do I eat dinner with them?". You'll have to learn to cook, and the difficulty depends on precisely which ingredients you happen to have.
If you just want to play this game, talk to the original author and they might be willing to help you get the game running. However, if you want to change the game, you probably should learn how to program first. I'd recommend staying away from "random" code to learn, as to return to the cooking analogy, it isn't clear if the set of ingredients here will be hard or easy to work with, not to mention whether they are high or low quality!
If you know just enough programming (syntax and some basic concepts like call stack), reading other's work is epic for learning programming.
But if you are here to make money from that game, you'll really need to change it and give it some unique value.
And if you don't know how to do that, as rip-off said it will definitely be a frustrating experience.
If you know just enough programming (syntax and some basic concepts like call stack), reading other's work is epic for learning programming.
But if you are here to make money from that game, you'll really need to change it and give it some unique value.
And if you don't know how to do that, as rip-off said it will definitely be a frustrating experience.
That's funny I often found reading other people's work can often be the completely wrong way to learn.
The problem is that a lot of being a good programmer is learning techniques and options for doing things, when you just pick up some code and read it, unless you have a vague idea of what it is trying to do it can be really hard to follow along with it, particularly if it goes into a lot of other functions and things.
Some stuff you can learn from observation and I have picked up some ideas by seeing how people do things, but frankly the best way to learn is not to read code it is to write code. You learn best by running into a problem and then having to find a solution to it, you won't forget the solution after that.
If you know just enough programming (syntax and some basic concepts like call stack), reading other's work is epic for learning programming.
But if you are here to make money from that game, you'll really need to change it and give it some unique value.
And if you don't know how to do that, as rip-off said it will definitely be a frustrating experience.
That's funny I often found reading other people's work can often be the completely wrong way to learn.
The problem is that a lot of being a good programmer is learning techniques and options for doing things, when you just pick up some code and read it, unless you have a vague idea of what it is trying to do it can be really hard to follow along with it, particularly if it goes into a lot of other functions and things.
Some stuff you can learn from observation and I have picked up some ideas by seeing how people do things, but frankly the best way to learn is not to read code it is to write code. You learn best by running into a problem and then having to find a solution to it, you won't forget the solution after that.
I found it useful to buy complete projects on the asset store, then study them, and add new features.
On one hand, you are completely right. For long I followed this guy's weird physics math. Which I changed.
But on the other hand, I learned stuff like extension methods from others code.
Again you are right, writing code is the best way to learn, but I wanted to point out that since he has the code, he can use it to learn a lot :)