
something new

Started by February 20, 2017 12:40 AM
7 comments, last by phil67rpg 7 years, 7 months ago

well since I am not very good at programming and want to do something not related to computers, I got a Psychology for Dummies book. I took several courses in college on psychology. well wish me luck in my new career path. after I get done reading my dummies book I am going to tackle a college text on psychology (big bucks to purchase), I am also going to see if I can take an online course in introductory psychology. Let me know what you thinks of my ideas.

First-off, I am very glad to hear that you are giving up programming. On that front you have literally caused me heart problems back when I cared too much.
You aren’t a programmer.

I doubt that you are a psychologist, but this type of self-exploration has to be encouraged and must result in one’s best understanding of one’s self.

Good luck!
L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!


Phil, psychology is excellent for game designers, or for whatever field you decide to go into (you didn't say what you want to do with your psychology studies).

-- Tom Sloper --

Let me know what you thinks of my ideas.

I think you probably don't really need our validation to pursue a topic that interests you. Does it matter if we think psychology is a good or bad fit for you?

Do you have some local (i.e. in person rather than online) support for your interests, such as friends or family? I would suggest that the input of these kinds of people is really more valuable than the opinions of strangers on the internet.

- Jason Astle-Adams

well thanks spiro you are always good for some good feedback

I do not think this dude is good at anything, like everyone else said before, this dude keeps changing. Before this psychology idea, he said he was quitting programming, then was going to networking, before that he was c++. before that he was c#, then he wanted to do openGl, then he decided to do directx, then before that he ....... if I keep going it would be pages long to type out what this phil67rpg has tried and stopped...

I am a beginner programmer and I am scared that I will end up like phil67rpg, spending 7 years and learning nothing.... I am terrified.


well thanks scorpion, maybe you and spiro should get together and give some more good feedback, I am sorry that I suck at programming but I did give it my best shot, not everybody is good at this stuff, must be nice to be god like in intelligence and know everything.

well why don't you guys just ban from this site and get it over with.

Being uncivil is NOT welcome here.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

well I have did my best but I just suck at this stuff that's why I am going into a different career path.

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