
Would this concept work?

Started by January 28, 2017 09:03 PM
1 comment, last by Tom Sloper 8 years, 1 month ago

2D Platformer/Mild Action hybrid of sorts that emulates mental disorders. I'm not too sure whether there's even a need or audience for it, but I'm thinking it up anyway.

The main 'selling point' of the game, I guess, is that each character represents a specific mental disorder, and based on selected character, the world is bent and distorted to fit the image.

To give you a better idea of what I mean, here's an example: a character that emulates schizophrenia would be played in a heavily distorted world, where AI-controlled NPCs would constantly change visually, and where most of mundane of objects would have possibility to 'evolve' into something obscure. Throughout the playthrough, players would listen to the audio-simulations of what schizophrenics supposedly hear (

). When it comes to decision making, choices, as well as the decision itself, would be heavily exaggerated, as to fit the narrative.

As another example, let's take PTSD: depending on the 'trigger' (which would be randomized), from something like a gunshot to something as simple as whiz of the wind, the world around the character would distort and revert back to the event which caused PTSD (war, abuse etc.) and players would have to fight out of it, only to come back to the 'real' world where character is curled up or something along those lines.

The point of the game, at least the way I imagine, is to personalize these mental disorders that many people still lack knowledge of, and provide as truthful of a representation as possible as to what they would look like in reality. As there is a rather wide array of mental disorders, possibilities would be endless, as would the narratives, and differences would be possible even within the scope of the same mental disorder (i.e. PTSD and what caused it).

Obviously, as to not appear distasteful, the subject matter would have to be treated with care, and it wouldn't really become a best-seller of any kind, I imagine.

Anyway guys, it's just a rough idea that's been dancing around my mind lately, and I figured I'd share it to see reactions from other people, whatever they may be. Thanks for reading :)

Any concept could work, if designed properly. That said, I think you have a good idea in general. Some things you might want to clarify for your design:

  • the entire list of disorders and diseases you wish to cover (Parkinson, Alzheimer, PSTD, schizophrenia, depression, etc);
  • there will be a history connecting each level (like one disorder per level), or just a simulator of situations (something like surgeon simulator)?
  • if you want to be as realistic as possible, i recommend having a mental health professional to help you. Don't rely on internet only info;
  • the differences in art style (graphics and sound) which can relate for each disorder;

The way I see, this project can an interesting game in itself, and also be useful for education purposes (helping parents and friends to understand a person in such situation).

Good luck. :wink:


The point of the game, at least the way I imagine, is to personalize these mental disorders that many people still lack knowledge of, and provide as truthful of a representation as possible as to what they would look like in reality.

I think that's an interesting topic. Whether or not it would "work" is entirely up to you - execution is everything.

-- Tom Sloper --

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