
War Upon the Sea

Started by January 27, 2017 05:27 AM
5 comments, last by nsmadsen 7 years, 11 months ago

It's been a while since I've been able to share things that I'm working on due to NDAs and such. But here's a project that I can share with you all now! I was very happy with how thing track turned out but, of course, I'm always open to input and feedback. I hope you enjoy it!

More to come soon - as it's make public.



Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

I started to say quite a bit, but the more I listen the more I hear things going on in the music. And really I think the only thing one can really criticize in this is that it's using samples rather than the unimaginable expense of using an actual orchestra. It sounds good. I could definitely imagine it in a game I would buy even as samples.


Trust me, I wish I had 100% live musicians! :) I really appreciate the feedback and the listen.

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

I just listened to the song, it's really great! Reminds me of Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack. Good work!

Thank you so much! I appreciate that!

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

I like what I hear. Only thing that catches me off guard a bit are parts that break away from what those instruments would sound like with live musicians- like the really fast parts at 1:36-ish break the illusion of being live instruments.


Thanks! I've flirted with the idea of hiring a live violinist for that solo part. :) May have to do that.

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

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