Hello guys!
Ill try to keep this short:
Currently im certified unfit for work, and this state will last about a year. I want to start creating video games. I worked as junior software developer in java about 3 years ago, but my programming skills are rusted, and i never programmed games before.
My tools of choice are C# and Unity 3D. So this is my "learning plan", if you have other ressources, or think i should tackle this whole thing differently, please let me know. I will be very thankful for every opinion i can get.
Programming/C#/Visual Studio
- Learn to Program from scratch again
- Learn further Software Engeneering aspects (Object Oriented Programming, Patterns)
- Get Experience (Mainly exercises you can find online, for example this - if you have more of them please tell me!)
Ressources: I cant decide between Begin Coding with C# or C# Programming yellow Book . Both seem to be from the same author one of them seems to be rather slow, but detailed. The other one seems to more a script than a real book.
Unity 3D
- Learn the Basics of Unity 3D
- Learn the Basics of Game Development
Ressources: Unity3D Tutorials and the ebooks Mastering unity 2D Game Development/Unity3D 5 by example
Game Design
- ?
I like to work structured, thats why i want to create a learning plan. Thanks in advance for every helpful comment!