
Where's the love???

Started by January 21, 2000 07:17 PM
11 comments, last by I-Shaolin 25 years, 1 month ago
I agree with everything said here so far, except for one thing:

Original post by I-Shaolin couldn''t just walk up to Microsoft and start working on Windows if you can barely program C...

... are you sure about that? Sometimes, though, it seems as though that was how it was made...

Christianity, Creation, metric, Dvorak, and BeOS for all!
Re: Getting a job at Micro$oft

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed here are my own and should in no way be misconstrued as those of my employer.

To be perfectly honest, if you have the skill to work at Micro$oft, advanced knowledge of a particular language is not an absolute requirement. I.e. if you have natural talent and can demonstrate an ability to learn quickly and effectively, you can get a job with minimal knowledge of any particular language here. However, for the work we do, it''s difficult to learn the issues that arise from application development without intermediate to advanced knowledge of C/C++.

Having said that, don''t expect to get a job here just because you think you''re a kick-ass coder.

To respond to Gorky''s question...

I do have to ask, "how do you find the time to respond to so many of the posts?"

Well, this is a perfect example of insomnia coupled with some free time. I really enjoy posted responses here. It''s nice to be able to help, and it''s also a good way to keep your skills up. After all, the best way to learn something is to teach it.

Sadly, I don''t know how long I''ll be able to keep up this pace. I recently started a new job, and that will soon consume most if not all of my time. I don''t plan to leave the forum however. I just may not be able to be as active in at as I have been.

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