
I'm a full newbie, but I got an idea ! HELP for a skate game ! :D

Started by November 27, 2016 02:00 PM
1 comment, last by Scouting Ninja 8 years ago

(Sorry for my shitty english, i'm french :p )

Hi guys ! I'm a full newbie in absolutly everything in game dev ! I am the guy who imagin things, stories, universe etc..

I have created many things in my head, but other peoples never stay long enough to finish these projects..

I'm a big fan of video games, and also of skating games like Skate 3 !

I've always wanted to create a game, so today i'm writing here to find some help and advices !

As a full newbie, is it possible to create a full open world skate game ?

Which game engine do you prefer to create open world/ realistic physic engine, I mean, realistic like GTA V. I don't like linear movement like in Just Cause or physic like in Watch dog..

Can you engage developpers to create the game for you ? Or it is not possible ?

For me, a good open world has :

A good storyline

A realistic environnement, city etc..

And a PERFECT physic.

Physic like Assassin's Creed, Just Cause or Watch dogs are not what I like, they are too linear. It is pre made animations that just appear in each situations. One of the physic I like is the GTA V one (or 4 for the ragdolls), It is complete real time animation, I like that ! Maybe there is a little to much inertia (when you change direction or want to climb something)

If I could create a skate game, I would like the players to be able to do anything. Using a controller, they could hold L1 and R1 to use their arms, and use the 2 joystick to moove them (Imagin infinite number of trick possible, where you can freestyle on your board by holding each arms to moove the board under your feets), or use L2 and R2 to use legs, and create even more trick, in a trick editor ! :D

I know it's weird, maybe I am to ambitious (i'm sure i am :p ), but, I just want to share my idea (I got alot more for this game lol), and ask questions ! Thanks :)

If you want to help me in this project, I would be glad to speak with you ! :D

1. As a full newbie, is it possible to create a full open world skate game ?
2. Which game engine do you prefer
3. Can you engage developpers to create the game for you ?
4. If you want to help me in this project, I would be glad to speak with you ! :D

Carveline, your questions are off-topic in the Writing forum. The Writing forum is for matters related to game writing (stories, plots, etc.). So your thread is being moved elsewhere.
1. No. A newbie can make "a game," but to make a "full open world game" requires a lot more know-how. If you manage to make a full open world game, you are not a newbie (and you stopped being a newbie long before the full open world game was finished).
2. This frequently-asked question is a topic for the For Beginners forum (where this thread now resides).
3. Yes. There are developers for hire.
4. It is not permitted to seek team members, or recruit people, in our discussion boards. To build a hobby team, use the Hobby Project Classifieds. Do not use recruitment wording in other forums.

-- Tom Sloper --


I've always wanted to create a game, so today i'm writing here to find some help and advices !

Learn vector math, learn programming, don't expect to get rich and start small.
The first goal you should have is loading the character into the game and make the character move when a button is pressed; that alone should take about a week.

Which game engine do you prefer to create open world/ realistic physic engine, I mean, realistic like GTA V. I don't like linear movement like in Just Cause or physic like in Watch dog..

Unreal or Unity will do what you want, I recommend Unreal.

As a full newbie, is it possible to create a full open world skate game ?

Not the open world games like GTA.
A game of that level is made by a team of experts each having spend 3-4 years learning the basics of there jobs and spend years in the professional market before being allowed to join such a project. A team like that is normally more than 250 people, that is more than 2 500 years of experience you would need.

Can you engage developpers to create the game for you ? Or it is not possible ?

Yes there are developers for hire, although a GTA scale open world game will cost more than $100 million dollars to make.

You can expect that by yourself you can make a small physics driven game maybe the size of Sumotori Dreams scale, so a character and a board driving around in a small arena; it's a realistic goal that you can achieve in a year or two.

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