Thank you for te explanations of different tredemark categories.
I have one more question.
I have come to idea that I bypass all trademarked terms by simply changing the word (deforming it).
so the word is registered in the same sektor I want to use it.
but if I change it for example add a letter or remove one or add two letters and change one or in my case the word is to be used as a "racename" in my movie so I could add an apostrophe (') in the middle of the word, or change it in simmilar way so that the word looks different but sounds almost the same and it has a sense (so it's not the senseless combination of letters).
I searched USPTO for original word and it is registered in multiple sektors than I change it and The new word is not registered anywhere.
I also search the google for a new word and it didn't find anything.
can I avoid being sued for using the original trademarked word?
Does this way of using registered trademarks counts as a violation of Intellectuall property?
if no than It should be safe or could I still get legal problems?