Since my first topic has expired yet I have more questions related to this I will start a new one.
about old topic I want to say thanks for all who gave me answers and helped me with copyright and trademark related laws!
I appreciate any given help!
In old topic I heared many times answers like "ask a lawyer" I want to say that I am not asking for any legal advice just for explanations and simple answers for question.
now the question:
correct me if I am wrong here:
in previous topic I ask about copyright; I asked how long copyright protects something: the answer is 70 years after author's death, after that period the work became public usable or something like that, before that you need author's permission for taking his work to make your own.
I can't understand something it simply doesn't make sense to me if the author is dead no one inherited his work so who holds authorship over the work for next 70 years? and whom to ask permission if there is no living owner of the work? and most importantly who will sue me for making derivative work from that work?
(I am just asking I do not intend to do that)
about trademark:
correct me if I am wrong here too:
trademark protects logos, names etc. it prohibits you from using someone's else stuff and gives the owner a chance to sue you if you do.
condition is that word is not generic term (that word is not taken from the dictionary)
so therefore generic terms or dictionary words cannot be trademarked.
in previous topic when I asked are the orcs trademarked you said that it cannot be trademarked because it is a generic term.
I do a litle research on that and I found out that orcs as some other generic terms are indeed trademarked.
I was searching how to check if a word is trademarked and i found a trademark database. https://www.google.hr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj4qZ6o5bvQAhWGVhQKHTpNC2YQFgggMAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftess2.uspto.gov%2Fbin%2Fgate.exe%3Ff%3Dlogin%26p_lang%3Denglish%26p_d%3Dtrmk&usg=AFQjCNH7zNbJJLptjbXyI2bqh4UBfXarmQ&sig2=u9eHR_ay1QOA1hDmW_b89Q
I check if someone holds orcs as trademark and found out that over 50 people are indeed trademarked orcs.
I also check for another generic term and found that over 800 people holds trademark for that word.
And now I am confused:
How can multiple people hold trademark over the same word?
How can someone register a generic term as trademark?
Do I need permission from all those people if I want to trademark that word? (if that is even possible, according to my resoults it is) and can they sue me if I use it without permission?
here is one example:
title: expansions
subtitle: Rebellion
"The British video game developer Rebellion Developments has been opposing the use of "Rebellion" in the name of the game since 2012 due to trademark law."
How can they trademark a word "Rebellion" if it is a generic term?