Hi, this is my first post :D. I'm writing a 2D game engine in c++ for personal use. Well, let's see....
I have the CollisionNode class which has shapes which define it, can be transformed (rotated, moved, scaled, ...) and can check collisions, by AABB and SAT, with other collision nodes.
The Node class is the base class of the scene graph, it can be transformed too. I think it must to have a way to check collisions, inherit from CollisionNode can be the best choice (I think :)).
Finally the PhysicsBody class is a Collision node affected by physics. To achieve this it can inherit from CollisionNode too.
When I want to use both (Node and PhysicsBody), I'd attach a PhysicsBody to a Node.
Is my design OK??. How would you do it??
Thanks a lot :)