I am currently seeking a first job in the games industry, as a programmer.
I have a master's degree in computer science, but my professional experience is limited to the few internships that I've had, of which none were in the games industry.
Since the industry seems to value personal experience a lot for junior applicants (at least in my country...), I figured I'd work on some personal projects while looking for a job.
So, I was wondering, is there a general rule about the kind of experience that is deemed more valuable by game studios ?
I am more of a tech guy who is into C++ and low-level stuff, so far I've made a 2D platformer, and now I'd like to jump into 3D, but I'm not sure if I should trust my guts and tackle standard APIs, or use an engine instead. (Or should I do both ?)
Also, I really am more into tech than game design, are tech demos okay or is it really a bonus to have actual games to show off when applying for a programming job ?
Or is it irrelevant, and can I just go with whatever I feel like ?
I reckon I might be asking too much, as there probably isn't one universal answer, but still if you have any advice I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance :)