does anyone know any directx 8.0a rpg pc games with out of game level editors like gtk radiant? i searched id tech 3 games but most if not all of them only supported fps games from gtk radiant. i couldn't find any unreal engine 1 level editors, although i probably wouldn't use unreal engines in general as i don't really like the look of them, though i looked up mobile forces, pc game of 2002 and it didn't look bad, despite using the unreal engine, it doesn't have a level editor and i'm looking for a rpg game level editor anyways. that being said, there is one game in particular that looked really nice but only the 2nd release had a level editor, this was project igi: im going in, it was only a directx 7.0 game but looked similar to directx 8.0 / 8.0a games with pretty good graphics and artwork.
the reason i specifically want a directx 8.0a game engine / level editor is because the game i would like to make or if it's an existing game, i want it to be able to work on windows 95. the only decent looking rpg game i found that works apparently on windows 95 is dark age of camelot but i don't think they have a level editor for that as the game isn't a normal rpg, it's an mmo rpg like world of warcraft. i wanted a game engine like the one used in project igi: im going in but which could allow up to pixel shader 1.3 support which i think is what directx 8.0a supports up to. something that would allow creating reflective water or realistic looking water which was not existing in project igi: im going in but only in the next release, project igi: covert strike.
the closest level editor i found for a rpg game with the aspects i would want is the warcraft 3 world editor but warcraft 3 isn't even an rpg, it's an rts game, so although the level editor is really really nice, the genre and environment of the game is the limiting factor, if the level editor was simiar but made for a rpg game where all you had to really do is add doodads, etc, that would be the best thing someone can ever make, but i haven't found anything like that yet.