And I was thinking, Since i'm starting with no budget, what Should I start with?
Here is what I was thinking:
*Find a free Game Development Software/Client
*What Should I Start With? (Examples: Rom Hacking, Designing Sprite work, Etc.)
*Do you think I could make anything? Like RPG's (Role Playing Games), or Platformers
*Should I buy some guides, like a "How to use __________" Or Stuff Like that?
*I am a Game Player, I've tried to make a game before, but it was difficult, REALLY difficult (Game Maker was the Program)
*Inspiration? I don't want to be to Inspired, but Considering Mr. "Radiation" (Toby Fox) was inspired by The Mother Series, do you think I should play more games to get inspired?
*Should I Distribute free Demo's, to get more attention to the game i'm making?
*Or Should I Try to build something that only a few people know about?
Also, Iwata said this quote during the Game Developer Confrence 2005:
"On My Business Card, I am a Corporate President, in my mind, I am a game developer, but in my heart, I am a gamer."