Why cant you just figure the meta data out. asumming they are squares and spaced evenly then:
//this is psuedocode
obj sheet = new sprite('image.jpg');
meta.width = (numberofColums/sheet.width)-widthOFSpacer;//remember to remove the spacer if there is one
meta.height = (numberofRows/sheet.height)-widthOfSpacer;
if your engine has no way of getting the height and width of the sprite then just open it in a image editor, zoom in, and count. then just hard code it( or add your own meta data):
//this is psuedocode
const imgsize = 2500;
const url = 'images/sheet.jpg'
const row = 10;
const col = 10;
clips[] functionToGetClipsArray(imgSize,SpriteSheetURL, NumberOfRows,NumberofCols){
obj sheet = new sprite('image.jpg');
meta.width = (numberofColums/sheet.width)-widthOFSpacer;//remember to remove the spacer if there is one
meta.height = (numberofRows/sheet.height)-widthOfSpacer;
for x in (numberofrow * numberofCols)
location = x % number of rows// use mod to figure out witch clip you are on.
clips[x] = rect(meta.height,meta.width,size, location)//make a rectangle
return clips[];
PS. if using C++, use a Std::vector instead of an array, dynamically resizeable
Pss. alot of freeware spritesheets provide the meta data in the comments