Voters in either camp made up their mind months ago (probably based on their economic situation).
Ratings today are based on "tabloid gossip" rather "real issues". Talk about issues instead of gossip and watch politics improve.
But first thing's first; unemployment has go down. If Hillary wasn't such a "Republican" :wink: and showed she was in favor of trade-restriction to promote job growth domestically, then she would win, no problem. But she doesn't want to oppose her biggest campaign donors.
Give it some more time, and you'll be glad Brexit was a success. Strong local opportunity is very important in any country.
I don't see why millions of Americans would be in favor of unrestricted free-trade unless they didn't fully understand the consequences of globalization. Sure, you get cheap stuff immediately (short-term gain), but as industry starts leaving, your long-term employment prospects suffer (and I've witnessed this on both sides of the equation), which also affects taxes (so you end up keeping less of what you earn, unless you understand tax loopholes :wink:). There are countries right now that serve as an example/warning on how this can ruin a seemingly safe/strong economy. I could not in good conscience be in support of such a devastating outcome.
Once you solve the problem of unemployment (give back people their opportunity [and therefore their freedom]), then you can focus on other issues. I just wish Hillary wasn't doing the biding of her donors (who don't need any more congressional influence - they've done quite enough fleecing.).
But since we can't get off the topic of gossip: Did you miss this story?
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