
Building GameEngine GameEngine.dll won't load

Started by October 23, 2016 08:05 PM
2 comments, last by fancypants 8 years, 4 months ago


I really can't remember how many times I hve run into this issue? The current release of a Game Engine I am working with has several steps to configure it correctly before build. Once built all required files are built. The problem is the debug version of the release won't load the GameEngine.dll so the debugger won't let the project to run.

Is there anything you suggest just in VS 2015 Update 3 that would be a common sense solution that I have not thought about.

Thanks in advance!!


Chris Russo

It would help if we knew the game engine you are working with. Without that information, it'd be like shooting at a target in the dark. You might get lucky, but you'll miss a lot of times first.


What error do you get? Have you checked the VC runtime libraries? How are you trying to load it?


Thanks both especially for the great reference to Books that are really relative to the subject!!.

I am just getting the error that the GameEngine.dll won't load up and all of the relative files are built. There is a configuration utility that may have the problem in the project configuration.

I have looked at this issue before and when using an SDK SDL2 for me for some reason SDL_main.dll causes this issue unless it is the correct release and distributed binary for that version of the compiler. I have found there was no way to work around this when I was on a Solaris Box doing builds and got invalid Win32 application. Hope that makes sense!! LOL.

I will check the VC++ Directories and make sure realtive pathing is correct as I have but maybe I overlooked something. I will supply a few screenshot's later pertaining to the issue.

Just for record no matter what software I use that uses any SDK's which SDL are included other than CoCos. I have these realted issues with building. I have a feeling even if this error goes away when I try to launch the .exe it will say invalid win32 application when it is a 64-bit debug and relaease veriosns I am working with.


Chris Russo

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