Thanks both especially for the great reference to Books that are really relative to the subject!!.
I am just getting the error that the GameEngine.dll won't load up and all of the relative files are built. There is a configuration utility that may have the problem in the project configuration.
I have looked at this issue before and when using an SDK SDL2 for me for some reason SDL_main.dll causes this issue unless it is the correct release and distributed binary for that version of the compiler. I have found there was no way to work around this when I was on a Solaris Box doing builds and got invalid Win32 application. Hope that makes sense!! LOL.
I will check the VC++ Directories and make sure realtive pathing is correct as I have but maybe I overlooked something. I will supply a few screenshot's later pertaining to the issue.
Just for record no matter what software I use that uses any SDK's which SDL are included other than CoCos. I have these realted issues with building. I have a feeling even if this error goes away when I try to launch the .exe it will say invalid win32 application when it is a 64-bit debug and relaease veriosns I am working with.
Chris Russo