
Nintendo NX/Switch

Started by October 20, 2016 06:10 PM
20 comments, last by Alpha_ProgDes 7 years, 11 months ago

Considering that Nvidia powers it, I guess it's safe to assume that the Shield is dead. In harmony with what Riviera said, it'd be sweet if the Switch could salvage the Shield's ability to play Android titles, including its exclusives. Short of that, Nintendo should up their strategy around their back catalog, but I don't see that happening to the degree I'd like. *Sigh*

If Switch could somehow access the 3DS and Wii U catalog, that would be amazing. As far as mistakes go, I think that will be one thing Switch didn't do right. And they've completely switched (sorry!) architecture, it wouldn't be as simple as a recompile to port those games over. Assuming that they do.

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