
Need advice how to proceed in my experience.

Started by October 19, 2016 09:51 PM
0 comments, last by Shaarigan 8 years, 4 months ago

Hi gamedev Community,

normaly iam not the person that steps into a Community with a Question, normaly i would google for my answers.

But i stand in front of a problem and i dont find any answers, so i decided to make a post here.

To myself:

I play games for over 20 years now, i grew up with them.

i dont just play them, i think about them, the systems they contain, how they work, how they are designed, why and how they fit into the motivation - challenge - reward system.

5 years ago i stood into a personal crysis and decided to start evolving myself into this direction. I started to learn C# and working with the unity engine. Got myself the unity 4 pro version a half year later, and developed some games and other stuff with it, timemanagement software for little companys and that kind of stuff.

The Games i developed wasnt for pubic audience, more like a training for myself to think about how to set up the concepts in my head into a working enviroment.

Now i want to step forward, i want to develop a server, nothing to complex.

The Question i like to ask, how?

What is the enviroment you use? Where would you start?

I know, normaly there is a evaluation Server, called Login Server, that users need to pass towards the Game Server, acquireing data from a database, but how to develop this things?

My ambitions are great, i know, but i am pacient, iam willing to learn, can anyone give me the thread to evolve myself?

PS. Sorry for my bad english, its not my mother tounge and i often use my mothers tounge grammar with english words. :/

Welcome to the community!

Welcome in the circle of persons that not only play games but also live them :wink:

To your question, normaly a game server architecture or game server cluster consists of 2 steps that are the authentication process and the properly game logic server players stay at. In huge server clusters there might also be a routing step where the auth server seeks for free slots and gives the client a "ticket" to the server he should connect to.

Server OS is mostly linux distribution running a linux compiled dedicated server version of your game but works under windows or mac as same.

If you know C# already you could develop a test server for that in it by using System.Net.Socket classes, otherwise you need to go for C++ and async non-blocking socket I/O (google for non-blocking sockets in c++) but with C# you would go faster to learn how servers work without the need of study the C++ base stuff first.

I personaly have already setupt my base classes for this in my engine so would use C++ to go for

Depending on your game type but while asking for auth and database you may need to go for TCP layer to send your packages with. Sometimes gameservers are using UDP layer for more speed like in Action/Shooter games

I also assume you are not talking about a LAN session right? Otherwise you could also instead of typing or fix coding an IP into your game just seek via UDP broadcast for running games.

For the client depends on what environment you are already using. Unity may not support the System.Net namespace so you need to go for the unity internal network play client instead or something from asset store

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