Hi gamedev Community,
normaly iam not the person that steps into a Community with a Question, normaly i would google for my answers.
But i stand in front of a problem and i dont find any answers, so i decided to make a post here.
To myself:
I play games for over 20 years now, i grew up with them.
i dont just play them, i think about them, the systems they contain, how they work, how they are designed, why and how they fit into the motivation - challenge - reward system.
5 years ago i stood into a personal crysis and decided to start evolving myself into this direction. I started to learn C# and working with the unity engine. Got myself the unity 4 pro version a half year later, and developed some games and other stuff with it, timemanagement software for little companys and that kind of stuff.
The Games i developed wasnt for pubic audience, more like a training for myself to think about how to set up the concepts in my head into a working enviroment.
Now i want to step forward, i want to develop a server, nothing to complex.
The Question i like to ask, how?
What is the enviroment you use? Where would you start?
I know, normaly there is a evaluation Server, called Login Server, that users need to pass towards the Game Server, acquireing data from a database, but how to develop this things?
My ambitions are great, i know, but i am pacient, iam willing to learn, can anyone give me the thread to evolve myself?
PS. Sorry for my bad english, its not my mother tounge and i often use my mothers tounge grammar with english words. :/