
How do I convert/import .PSA and .md5anim files into 3ds max?

Started by October 08, 2016 05:00 PM
4 comments, last by Scouting Ninja 8 years, 4 months ago

Recently, I've begun a for fun game project to get more experience in game design. I'm using the Unity SDK along with 3ds max for 3d models and Visual Studio to make my C# scripts in. Although I enjoy 3D modelling, I am a programmer at heart. Thus, for my games I do not make my own models. Most of the time I extract them usually from others games. Using models from a WII game extracted with WII scrubber and BRRES viewer, I extracted all 3d models and textures as .OBJ and imported them into 3ds MAX. However, I can only export the animation files as either .PSA or .MD5anim. Is there any way that I can import these animations into 3ds max so that I can work with them in Autodesk? I've searched around yet I cannot find any forum questions or answers on how to do so! Is there perhaps a way through 3ds max?

And lead us not into frustration; but deliver us from GOTOs. For thine is algorithm, the computation, and the solution, looping forever and ever.



The easiest solution is to use Blender. There are thousands of addons that allow you to import/export to almost every game-engine format that exists.

And if you really like 3dsmax and you don't want to get used to another software, you can download Blender and just use it for converting between different formats which then can be loaded into 3dsmax. Normally the operation is:

1.Import the .md5mesh/anim model to Blender.

2.Export that model to fbx.

3.Import that .fbx to 3dsmax.

4.Have fun. :cool:

Use a online converter to convert md5 to .fbx then import the .fbx. Some times Max doesn't want to import .fbx, that is why you NEED the "Autodesk fbx converter", it solves all your .fbx related problems.

A other solution is using Blender as a in-between, Blender uses python a very easy language and for that reason you can find any importer and exporter for it. Old exporters work even on the new Blenders and if there is a problem you can just fix the python code yourself; python is easy to learn.

Blender is small to download and you won't need to know how it works just to import and export.

Max like Zbrush has importing problems because it's so hard to make addons for them, using free software like Blender as a in-between is often the only solution; or hiring a programmer to make a importer/ exporter if you have the money.

Also give Blender a try, it has all the tools a Indie developer could ever use and is free, Blender is currently seen as the 3rd best 3d software on the market by many reviewers.

The easiest solution is to use Blender. There are thousands of addons that allow you to import/export to almost every game-engine format that exists.

And if you really like 3dsmax and you don't want to get used to another software, you can download Blender and just use it for converting between different formats which then can be loaded into 3dsmax. Normally the operation is:

1.Import the .md5mesh/anim model to Blender.

2.Export that model to fbx.

3.Import that .fbx to 3dsmax.

4.Have fun. :cool:

Use a online converter to convert md5 to .fbx then import the .fbx. Some times Max doesn't want to import .fbx, that is why you NEED the "Autodesk fbx converter", it solves all your .fbx related problems.

A other solution is using Blender as a in-between, Blender uses python a very easy language and for that reason you can find any importer and exporter for it. Old exporters work even on the new Blenders and if there is a problem you can just fix the python code yourself; python is easy to learn.

Blender is small to download and you won't need to know how it works just to import and export.

Max like Zbrush has importing problems because it's so hard to make addons for them, using free software like Blender as a in-between is often the only solution; or hiring a programmer to make a importer/ exporter if you have the money.

Also give Blender a try, it has all the tools a Indie developer could ever use and is free, Blender is currently seen as the 3rd best 3d software on the market by many reviewers.

Thank you for the help from both of you! I shall try this now and get back to you on the results! :)

And lead us not into frustration; but deliver us from GOTOs. For thine is algorithm, the computation, and the solution, looping forever and ever.


The easiest solution is to use Blender. There are thousands of addons that allow you to import/export to almost every game-engine format that exists.

And if you really like 3dsmax and you don't want to get used to another software, you can download Blender and just use it for converting between different formats which then can be loaded into 3dsmax. Normally the operation is:

1.Import the .md5mesh/anim model to Blender.

2.Export that model to fbx.

3.Import that .fbx to 3dsmax.

4.Have fun. :cool:

Does this only apply for models?

Because I'm trying to find an option to import animations but I can't find one!

EDIT: Finally pulled it off! What I did: using BRRESVIEWER, I extracted the wii .brres animations/textures/files. I extracted animations as PSA, and models as PSK, and found a 3DS MAX plugin called "ActorXimport" that allows me to import a PSK with it's PSA animation file for conversion into the other supported formats! So hooray for that! Thank you for your previous help! :)

And lead us not into frustration; but deliver us from GOTOs. For thine is algorithm, the computation, and the solution, looping forever and ever.



Because I'm trying to find an option to import animations but I can't find one!

.FBX supports animations however you will need to do test first with Blender exporting and importing then when you find the option that works then use those settings.

EDIT: Finally pulled it off! What I did: using BRRESVIEWER, I extracted the wii .brres animations/textures/files. I extracted animations as PSA, and models as PSK, and found a 3DS MAX plugin called "ActorXimport" that allows me to import a PSK with it's PSA animation file for conversion into the other supported formats! So hooray for that! Thank you for your previous help!

Glad you found some thing that helps, there will always be away around.

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