
Where do i get feedback from?(New user)

Started by October 08, 2016 11:02 PM
13 comments, last by ArchitectMo 8 years, 4 months ago

But I'm still wondering if there's a place on the Internet where i can get a fast help, to have a continuous learning flow.

Because if it takes a day for each question, i might forget what I've learned and might also give up trying to learn.

So where or how do i get the fastest help around the Internet? Is it discord here?

Thank you again

Fast help is only feasible as long as you ask simple questions. As you advance, your questions will become deeper, and answering them will take longer.

There is another skill you may want to work on. I call it "Plan B" (or C or D or ...). In short, while figuring out how things should be solved, you often make a wrong turn somewhere, and find it doesn't work as you expect, that is, plan A fails to deliver.

This is not a problem. It only means you need a new plan to solve the problem. So instead of asking for the magic ultimate answer from an expert, find a flaw in plan A (something must be wrong in it, or it would have worked, right?), and make a plan B that avoids that flaw. Then try plan B.

In my experience, finding the flaw in a plan can take one hour to several days. Check every step that you made, cross-reference with other steps. Reread the documentation, did I read it correctly? Can you interpret the text in a different way? (Maybe the author tried to say something else than you read.) Does what I read make sense?

Think how else to approach the problem. Can you start from a different perspective? Are there other properties in the problem you can exploit?

The coin usually drops when you don't expect it, and while you are doing something unrelated, like washing dishes, showering, walking, awoken but not yet ready to get up, etc.

As you practice, your skill improves, and you get better at finding your own Plan Bs.

It is less fast than just getting the magical answer, but imho more valuable, as it gives you the means to solve a lot more problems all by yourself.

Based on time-stamps, you got a reply in that thread after far less than a day.

That said, I would actually argue that getting an answer instantly for everything you ask for can be bad in the long run.

If you get used to getting answers spoon-fed at a moment's notice, you might not get used to figuring problems out on your own.

Of course, there's a happy middle somewhere between instant-reply and 2 week wait, but having to learn how to solve things on your own at times is a highly valuable skill.

EDIT: The above is kinda similar to what Alberth wrote, I just realized.

Hello to all my stalkers.


As you practice, your skill improves, and you get better at finding your own Plan Bs.

And designing Plan A's that work right in the first place! <g>.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


Apropos of nothing, I could have given a far, far better answer in that thread like this:

...but I happened to have a link to CGTrader on hand at the time.

void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

Well, after seeing the comments in this page.

I think this is the right place for me.

I just thought this site is extremely inactive/slow , But i was wrong.

The help I'd need wont necessarily be questions, but just that kind of activity and support which gives me a push to do more.

Thankful to you all.

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