Where do i get feedback from?(New user)
Hi i want an active helping place so i Googled top game dev forums and found this site
I created a topic in for beginners section asking a question
Then found out that not only it got no answer for like a day
But the other topics list remained the same (no comments /slow/inactive)
So please lead me to a good interacting active place.
Im lost
Having no answer for a day is nothing to worry about, people don't come here as a job, they come here either for help or because they like sharing their knowledge and helping others but no one is under any obligation to do so. I find this site to be the most helpful though and I've always had (eventually) good responses to everything I've needed help with, even some very specific problems. The variety of talent here is huge.
If you don't get a response after a while then it could be for any number of reasons, impolite post, difficult to understand post, quiet time on the forums, question not detailed enough, your problem might require some very deep understanding of a specific problem which means only a few people will be able to help with it. Lots of reasons. Evaluate your post and if you think you should have got at least some attention then update your post with additional information, include things you have tried since you first made the thread and what the result were. If you solve the problem yourself then post back with your solution too, this helps other that might have the same problem and stumble on your thread while searching. It's really not unusual to have 200+ views of a thread and still not have a single reply, it just goes to show how many people are willing to see if they can help to begin with but they don't always have the answer.
As far as the thread you mention goes, you do have a response now, success! To comment on your post a little (with the aim of helping you get more notice in future).
Avoid things like 'I need' (topic title)
Share anything you have already found yourself - this shows you've made an effort and people like helping people who help themselves.
Your topic is a beginner topic in a sense but you might have gotten more appropriate views by asking in one of the creative forums: http://www.gamedev.net/forum/18-visual-arts/. Judging which forum to post in can be tricky sometimes.
Using tags in your thread is good.
It is short and to the point.
You thank people at the end.
Try to smarten up your grammar a little (especially if you are a native English speaker). We all make simple errors when posting, just read over your post and edit any simple things you can change, e.g. capitals, punctuation, etc.
A polite, neatly written and non-demanding post goes a long way.
By the way, this thread should definitely be in a different forum. Seeing it in mobile/console forum and with your topic title "Where do i get feedback from?" I opened the thread thinking it would be a question regarding getting user feedback from users of your game/app. A more appropriate sub forum might be one of these:
GDNet Comments, Suggestions and Ideas
Please let us know your thoughts, problems and ideas for the website by creating a thread for discussion here. Thanks for your feedback!
GDNet LoungeChat about anything you feel like, but keep it mature and civil. It does not have to be about game development, but it should be about something; i.e. don't post JUST to post.
or the beginner forums.
or the beginner forums.
Interested in Fractals? Check out my App, Fractal Scout, free on the Google Play store.
Thank you for taking my post seriously
But I'm still wondering if there's a place on the Internet where i can get a fast help, to have a continuous learning flow.
Because if it takes a day for each question, i might forget what I've learned and might also give up trying to learn.
So where or how do i get the fastest help around the Internet? Is it discord here?
Thank you again
To get a guaranteed fast response is going to be impossible without paying for it. Your best bets are this forum, Game Dev Stack Exchange or an active Game Dev Twitch Stream.
Less then 12 hours for response is about right for a forum especially for a question for recommendations of resources.
To get a guaranteed fast response is going to be impossible without paying for it. Your best bets are this forum, Game Dev Stack Exchange or an active Game Dev Twitch Stream.
Less then 12 hours for response is about right for a forum especially for a question for recommendations of resources.
Idm Paying , if there's a paid site with known instructors that can provide me fast feedback tell me about it
Im trying to learn unreal engine and wish i can get advanced with it , most youtube video's are basic
Idm Paying , if there's a paid site with known instructors that can provide me fast feedback tell me about it
Game development consultant, is what I belief you are looking for.
I don't think such a website exists, however if you don't mind paying then why not hire a experienced game developer to tutor you.
You could also pay for some online training courses, the teachers of these courses are also willing to answer questions.
Idm Paying , if there's a paid site with known instructors that can provide me fast feedback tell me about it
If you don't mind paying, I've heard decent things about Digital Tutors although I haven't used it myself. Unreal Engine courses are here: http://www.digitaltutors.com/11/training.php?tid=25&cid=472
As was mentioned, this is a discussion board where it may take a day or two to get full responses. It isn't an online chat board (although we do have some people chatting both on this board and on IRC on AfterNET servers in #gamedev).
But I'm still wondering if there's a place on the Internet where i can get a fast help, to have a continuous learning flow.
Hahahaha, you remind me of myself when I started posting here. But, you know, you're kind of ungrateful here, because people are not obliged to help you at all.
Look on the bright side, you get really detailed answers and even a code review sometimes, and everything is completely for free. It takes time and knowledge for someone to post a helpful answer. You better appreciate it.
And about that 'continuous learning flow' :lol:, you can always tackle another problem or read something else while waiting for someone to answer, I don't think this will hurt your learning flow. :lol:
Because if it takes a day for each question, i might forget what I've learned and might also give up trying to learn.
Come oooon. You won't forget. :lol:
And don't give up so easily! :wink:
But I'm still wondering if there's a place on the Internet where i can get a fast help, to have a continuous learning flow.Hahahaha, you remind me of myself when I started posting here. But, you know, you're kind of ungrateful here, because people are not obliged to help you at all.
Look on the bright side, you get really detailed answers and even a code review sometimes, and everything is completely for free. It takes time and knowledge for someone to post a helpful answer. You better appreciate it.
And about that 'continuous learning flow' :lol:, you can always tackle another problem or read something else while waiting for someone to answer, I don't think this will hurt your learning flow. :lol:
Because if it takes a day for each question, i might forget what I've learned and might also give up trying to learn.Come oooon. You won't forget. :lol:
And don't give up so easily! :wink:
Asking about more active helping place doesn't make me ungrateful, So it was unnecessary to say so. :)
I appreciate who ever tries to help me.
Thank you everyone i really appreciate your helps.